Monday, September 10, 2018


Connectors in English Grammar  
Introduction to connectors in English grammar 

The functions of connectors in English grammar are to combine sentences and to express relationship between ideas. Connectors in English grammar help in improving writing style by adding maturity and sophistication. It is important to use connectors in English grammar to impart clarity to writing, and to make it easy to understand.

Types of Connectors in English Grammar 
There are different types of connectors in English grammar:

1. Co-ordinating conjunctions: combine phrases, clauses and sentences that have equal grammatical function.

2. Subordinating conjunctions: combine elements with different grammatical function, usually dependent and independent clauses.

3. Conjunctive adverbs: show logical relationship between two independent sentences.

4. Prepositions: Indicate relationship between things mentioned in a sentence.

Examples on Connectors in English Grammar 
Examples of sentences in which connectors are used:

1. Excessive use of computers is stressful and can be harmful to your health. (Coordinating conjunction)

2. Just as excessive use of computers is stressful, it can be harmful to your health. (Subordinating conjunction)

3. Excessive use of computers is stressful; similarly, it can be harmful to your health. (Conjunctive adverb)

4. In addition to being stressful, excessive use of computers can be harmful to your health. (Preposition)

Resultado de imagen para connectors grammar examples

Imagen relacionada

Fill in the blanks with a logical or sequence connector each
1.There is no more food left. ______ there is plenty of drinks.
2.The Interact Club has done well to help the poor. ______ the Welfare Club has done well too.
3.The documents will be scrutinized by the police. ______ they will be sent back tot he relevant authority.
4.The retailer has been making losses. ______ he intends to wind up his business.
5.Wash the potatoes first. ______ you can boil them.
6.We have been trying to contact Michael for the past few days. ______ we managed to trace him to a hotel in town.
7.Life in the country may not be as exciting as life in the city. ______ you are close to nature which provides peace and quietness.
8.The dog will bark without fail every time the ice-cream man passes by. ______ it will start howling.
9.Let us not be complacent with ourselves. ______ we may lose out in the final round.
10.Lopez has experienced poverty and hardship before. ______ he has a sympathetic heart towards the poor and needy

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